Types Of Cellulite Treatment In Cape Town – What Really Works?

The term cellulite indicates the dimpled appearance of the skin. It is found in different parts of the body of different people such as some people have it on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. It is quite common in women than in the men because of the differences in their body such as fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed in men’s and women’s skin.

Cellulite Treatment

Sometimes the cellulite might bother you, in that situation; you must understand that you are not alone. There are so many cellulite treatments in Cape Town out there that can help you to treat your problem.

Acoustic wave therapy

This therapy can help you treat several sessions and studies show that this can reduce the appearance of cellulite eventually. Several treatment sessions are needed to see a reduction.

Laser treatment

There are different types of laser treatments that are used to treat the cellulite. During this treatment, one minimal invasive laser treatment called Cellulaze, a small laser fiber is injected under the skin. And when the laser is shot, the laser’s energy breaks up in the middle and form a tough band beneath the skin that causes cellulite.

Weight loss

Sometimes extra weight can make cellulite more visible and this leads to many people feel uncomfortable about their skin. They think that losing weight and staying at a healthy weight decreases the amount of cellulite from their body. Thus, having more muscle makes your skin look softer and firmer.


3 Ways to Get Rid of Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating also known as Hyperhidrosis is a very real situation which often becomes embarrassing when in public. This disorder causes unhappiness and a great deal of stress in human beings. Excessive sweating leads to low confidence in person as the stain in clothes and bad odour of sweat often make people uncomfortable to be presented in public or any social events.

But, there is some excessive sweating treatment available that will not lead you to hide from others.

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The easiest way to tackle from excessive sweating is through antiperspirant, which most people already use on a daily basis. Most of the antiperspirant contains aluminum salt, and when you apply it on your skin, the antiperspirant forms a plug that blocks the sweating.

If the above method doesn’t work for you then there are some more treatments that your doctor might recommend you.

This is a treatment that is done where you are made to sit with your hands, feet or both of them in a shallow tray of water for about 20 to 30 minutes.  This treatment works wonders as it blocks sweat from getting to your skin surface.

Botulinum toxin
This treatment is another way to get rid of sweating. In this treatment injection of botulinum toxin is injected into the patient. This botox treatment is FDA approved for treating excessive sweating of underarms but also some doctors treat it for hands and palms sweating too.

These few excessive sweating treatments are surely a help to get rid of this disorder.